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020 7692 1818

Expert Back Pain Specialists North London

Osteopathic and Acupuncture treatment for back pain in North London and Woking

A man with low back pain seeking relief through simple methods.

Does Any Of  This Sound Like You?

*  Do you have pain in your lower back which just isn’t going?

*  Have you been to lots of Clinics which havent given you any relief?

*  Have you stopped doing your favourite activities

*  Do you get up in the morning with your back aching and feeling that its never going to go away

*  Have you been told It’s your age and you just have to accept it?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may have found the answer to your back pain at Laurens Holve Healthcare, a specialist for back pain and an experienced osteopath for back pain conditions.

Kevin Speaks About Treatment For His Chronic Back Pain

There's No Need to Suffer With Back Pain

Where back pain is not the result of a serious injury, osteopathy is an excellent choice for its treatment. Whether you are in need of osteopathy for lower back pain or are in general discomfort, an osteopath can help identify the root cause and provide effective, hands-on treatment to restore mobility and alleviate pain.

Osteopathy is a holistic treatment that uses joint and spinal manipulation, soft tissue work such as massage and myofascial release, and trigger point therapy. This improves mobility, flexibility, and alignment of the spine, pelvis, and joints in the body, reducing pain and improving function.

As one of the leading back pain specialists in London, we provide care tailored to your specific needs. Osteopathy is an Allied Health profession, and osteopaths also work in musculoskeletal departments of the NHS. We are registered with the General Osteopathic Council and the Institute of Osteopathy. Osteopaths are also First Contact Practitioners who can assess and refer you for other treatments where more appropriate.

At your first consultation, we will diagnose your back pain and discuss with you the causes of your problem, what we can do to help, and the best course of treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss them.

5 Ways To Help Your Low Back Pain

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A massage therapist working on a client's back.

About Me

Qualified Back Pain Specialist in Highgate, North London, with over 35 Years Experience

Laurens Holve is a leading osteopath and acupuncturist with clinics in Highgate, North London and Woking, Surrey. Laurens has over 35 years experience treating patients with many types of back pain and is regarded as a leading lower back pain specialist in London. He also treats many back pain-related conditions such as sciatica and spinal stenosis, and other conditions such as sports injuries and fibromyalgia.

As well as specialist treatment, Laurens also provides expert advice on managing your condition and improving your spinal health, including advice on the best mattress or chair for you, personalised exercises and stretches, and the use of self-treatment, for example with heat pads.

We treat patients using both osteopathy and acupuncture, combining treatments such as spinal manipulation, myofascial release and dry needling, ensuring a holistic and personalised approach to treating your back pain.

What are the causes of back pain?

There are many causes of back pain, ranging from simply being in an uncomfortable position for too long, to serious injury resulting from an accident. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Overuse and over-activity injuries (e.g., from gardening or unusual activity)
  2. Trauma e.g. from sports injuries
  3. Wear and Tear (osteoarthritis) of spinal (facet) joints
  4. Wear and tear of intervertebral discs (degenerative)
  5. Prolapsed or herniated intervertebral disc
  6. Whiplash, typically as a result of motoring accidents
  7. Standing, sitting or bending down for long periods
  8. Strains from lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling loads that those are too heavy

Back pain can also occur as a result of other conditions, such as sciatica or spinal stenosis, or occur as a result of problems elsewhere in the body. For example, a condition in the foot or ankle such as plantar fasciitis may cause the body to compensate for the pain by standing or walking differently, which over time may result in back pain.

Certain other conditions may also aggravate back pain or make it more likely. Staying generally healthy and avoiding harmful foods, alcohol and smoking can make back pain less likely. Trying to maintain a healthy posture and a strong core will also help you be less likely to develop back pain. Conditions such as anxiety and depression can also make someone more likely to develop back pain.

Back pain can also occur as a result of gynaecological conditions. Many women experience back pain during pregnancy, or at certain points in the menstrual cycle.

What are the main types of back pain?

We generally divide back pain into three different types, which in turn help inform our approach to treatment.

Non-specific back pain

Non-specific low back pain is pain, tension, soreness, or stiffness in the lower back which cannot be attributed to a specific cause. Sprains and strains of the back are included in the concept of non-specific low back pain. It is not by itself a disease, more a symptom or complaint.

Mechanical back pain

Is typical of non-specific low back pain but can also include specific causes such as sciatica, facet joint disease, vertebral fracture.

The pain here varies with posture or movement. For example, in some people low back pain is aggravated by standing and relieved by sitting or lying; in other people, low back pain is aggravated by sitting and relieved by standing depending on its causes.

Inflammatory back pain

In this condition back or neck pain and stiffness is aggravated by rest or sleep, often waking the person in the night. It is usually relieved by physical activity. It usually lasts for more than thirty minutes after getting up in the morning and is relieved by physical activity, and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is typical of rheumatic conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as Ankylosing Spondylitis, but can also be caused by other insults to spinal structures such as disc protrusions and vertebral collapse seen in Osteoporosis.

How we treat back pain

Where back pain is not the result of a serious injury, back pain osteopathy is an excellent choice for its treatment. Osteopathy is a holistic treatment that uses joint and spinal manipulation, soft tissue work such as massage and myofascial release, and trigger point therapy. This improves mobility, flexibility and alignment of the spine, pelvis and joints in the body, reducing pain and improving function.

Osteopathy is an Allied Health profession and osteopaths also work in musculoskeletal departments of the NHS. We are registered with the General Osteopathic Council and the Institute of Osteopathy. Osteopaths are also First Contact Practitioners who can assess and refer you for other treatments where more appropriate.

At your first consultation we will diagnose your back pain and discuss with you the causes of your problem, what we can do to help and the best course of treatment. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss them.

Stretches and exercises for back pain

An important part of recovery – and of spinal health in general – is stretching and exercising your back correctly. We will give you individualised stretches and exercises to help your particular condition. If you want to practice yoga, pilates or other exercise forms. to help your back, we can also let you know what will be the most helpful for your particular condition, and most importantly whether there are any exercises or positions you should avoid.

Expert help in looking after your back

We are experts in understanding the alignment of the spine and pelvis and how different factors may influence their function. Many back pains are caused by an inappropriate chair, driving position, or other musculoskeletal factors such as shoes which do not offer the right sort of support for your feet.

At your first consultation we will conduct a full examination. We will help you to identify any factors which may be contributing to your pain, and offer advice on remedial action or adaptations which will help with your recovery and prevent your problem developing into anything worse.


Have you seen an osteopath, chiropractor or physiotherapist before and did you get the results you needed? If not, you’re now in the hands of an expert. Read the reviews from all types of people including doctors, consultants, BBC presenters and more.