1 There are many causes of headaches but very often headaches can be a result of neck tension, and / or trigger points located in the upper shoulder muscles (trapezius). Headaches where no organic cause is found respond well to Acupuncture trigger point deactivation and also Osteopathic treatment.
If a headache persists or indeed gets worse over time, referral maybe needed to eliminate other causes.
Usually 3-4 sessions is enough to initiate improvement.
You may also like to see my migraines osteopath page.
Have you been to lots of clinics looking for a solution to your headaches – but have been disappointed with the results?
Have you spent a lot of money on treatments which didn’t fix your problem – or even made your problem worse?
Have you been told that there is nothing more that can be done and medication is your only treatment?
Are you becoming reliant on Painkillers to just get through the day?
Have you have started to worry that you may never get rid of your shoulder pain and restriction and be unable to return to the things you love to do?
Have you seen an osteopath, chiropractor or physiotherapist before and did you get the results you needed? If not, you’re now in the hands of an expert. Read the reviews from all types of people including doctors, consultants, BBC presenters and more.
Treatment for headaches is available at our London Highgate Clinic and Woking Clinic