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Pinched Nerves Symptoms

Pinched Nerve

Pinched Nerves What Are They And What Are Their Symptoms?

If your arm becomes numb and have pain radiating across your the top of your shoulder you may have a pinched nerve in your neck. This comes about when your disc which is like a doughnut has the central jelly (the jam in the doughnut), leak out and start irritating local nerves which then short circuit and travel down the arm and cause such things as numbness, tingling and some pain.

This also happens in the low back area where this pinching or irritation can cause things like Sciatica.

A Simple Guide to Taking Care of Your Pinched Nerves

Pinched nerves are common. If your arm becomes numb and have pain radiating across your the top of your shoulder you may have a pinched nerve in your neck. This comes about when your disc which is like a doughnut has the central jelly (the jam in the doughnut), leak out and start irritating local nerves which then short circuit and travel down the arm and cause such things as numbness, tingling and some pain. In the lower back this condition is called Sciatica

What Causes Pinched Nerves?

The most common cause of pinched nerves are as a result of disc problems. This can also be caused by a sudden change in posture or action that initiates a quick shortening or lengthening in muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves. A pinched nerve can be caused by repetitive actions or overuse which can lead to traction on a nerve that is already compromised by joint narrowing which leads to swelling that surround your nerve roots.

Self Care for Pinched Nerves

Taking care of your nerves generally means you need to take time for yourself. In some cases, this may mean getting your back looked at! The most important thing is to remember that it will pass and there are many ways to help relieve the pain and tension in your neck or back. You can use Osteopathy, and heat therapy. You can also try simple things like rest, hydration, herbal tea or even stretching out your arm and holding it in different positions to help get the blood flowing again. You should also try taking anti-inflammatory medications if they are available without a prescription, they should be safe as long as they are not addictive. These medications can ease the pain of pinched nerves in addition to any other symptoms you may have such as tingling or numbness.

Don’t Restrict Yourself

Restrictions of movement can cause more problems and be more painful. It is important to avoid the use of any tools that could restrict your movement. Using a splint, sling, or brace could cause more harm than good. Instead, try to stretch out your arm and hand to reduce the pressure on the nerves. This means avoiding anything that will make your arm feel stiffer or tighter as this could increase the pain even further. Do exercises that will require you to move your arm in various directions while using light weights to help build muscles in your arm and hand which will also help reduce pressure on your pinched nerves. Finally, take plenty of breaks from any activity that aggravates your pain such as lifting heavy objects for long periods of time or sitting for a long period of time with your arm hanging down in front of you. If you are suffering from Sciatica then visiting an Osteopath is one way to get this corrected, better mechanics means less potential swelling around the nerve .


Pinched nerves can happen for a variety of reasons, but often it is due to something you are putting your body through. Self care for pinched nerves includes things like proper diet, exercise, rest, and meditation.

Osteopathy and Acupuncture can both help in releiving these painful and annoying conditions



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Laurens Holve

Laurens Holve has over 35 years experience as a Healthcare Practitioner specialising in both Osteopathy and Acupuncture practicing in North London and Woking, Surrey.

He trained in Osteopathic Medicine in London and studied Acupuncture in London and China where he worked and gained clinical experience in a hospital in Shanghai.

He helps people quickly get back to health by using his many years of study and experience employing different techniques to help reduce pain, increase mobility and improve health.